Important Dates:
Saturday, January 11th: Reading Under the Stars Family Event (5:00 - 7:00 pm) This is not a drop off event. Scholars need to be with parents at all times.
Monday: January 13th - 17th: Book Fair / classes will preview books on Monday and then have an opportunity to purchase books throughout the week.
https://www.scholastic.com/bf/greatheartsacadchandler (create an E-wallet for your scholar if you want to)
Thursday, January 16th: Galileo Testing (please be sure your scholar gets a good night's rest and eats a good breakfast)
Friday, January 17th: Mid-Year Grammar Assessment
Monday, January 20th: No School
Tuesday, January 21st: Class Photo Day
Conversation Starters:
Math Challenge: Solve the following problem: 5+6+2-4=?
What is the adjective in the following sentence: I saw a green frog hopping on the grass.
Why is it important for a country to describe how a government should work?
What are some types of insect locomotion?
What were you most proud of for your insect presentation?
Think about the saying "don't cry over spilled milk." What is the literal meaning of the saying? The figurative meaning?
What was your favorite saying that you learned in class?
Who is the author of the book we will be reading next week? (Little House in the Big Woods)
Scholars received a Reading Log today with a letter attached. This was placed in their yellow folder. After you read the information, if you have any questions, please contact your scholar's teacher.
Math: Students will begin their new unit on Bar Models. This unit has word problems and students will need to decide if they need to add or subtract in order to solve the problems. Students will be bringing their blue math book home for homework. Please check their homework for completion and accuracy. They will first learn about the Part / Whole Bar Model.
History: This week heralded the beginning of our unit on the Constitution. Students learned about what it means to compromise and will continue to learn more about the Constitution and what it took to create this important document.
Science: This week, students got to present their insects to their class. We had so much fun seeing everyone's hard work and creativity! Next week, students will learn the difference between living and non-living things. We will focus on the fact that all living things are made of cells.
Literature: Students will begin reading the classic, The Little House in the Big Woods. Please make sure your scholar has their book by Monday to begin reading with the class. Thank you for those who have volunteered for Reading Groups.
Grammar: Students have received their new poem: The Hayloft. Recitations will begin on Tuesday, January 21st. Students will continue to review the grammar concepts they have learned this year, and they will learn about the conjunction part of speech. On Friday, students will complete a mid-year Grammar Assessment.
Enjoy your weekend!
Your Second Grade Team