Hello, parents and guardians!
Important Dates:
*Monday, September 23rd, recitations of "The Secret" begin
*Wednesday, September 25th, Math Quiz & India Assessment
*Thursday, September 26th, Water Cycle Quiz
*Friday, September 27th, minimum day, students dismissed at 12:30 pm.
*September 30th - October 8th: Fall Break / School resumes October 9th
There will be no clubs on October 9th.
*Monday and Tuesday, October 7th - 8th, parent / teacher conferences (a link will be coming soon for you to sign up)
Study Guides: Study guides are almost always sent home on purple paper to help them stand out in your scholar's yellow folder. Please do not throw these papers away until after the quiz/test date.
Reading Bags: Reading aloud for 20 minutes each night is a crucial piece of your child's education. Your signature in your child's agenda is your written indication that he/she completed his/her 20 minutes of nightly reading and retell homework. Your child will turn his/her reading bag in on his/her assigned day. If your scholar needs another week to read their book, that is okay. If they finish the book before the week is up, they can read from a book at home.
This past Monday, 9/16, Mrs. Brady spoke with all the 2nd grade students regarding playground behavior. The games of tag and chase are not allowed at this time and if students play these games, consequences will be given out. Mrs. Brady also spoke to the classes reminding them that a 'gun' symbol using their fingers is not allowed. Please review these reminders with your scholar. Thank you.
Conversation Prompts:
How many tens are in 100?
How many ones are in one ten?
Give an example of a linking verb.
What happened at the end of Sarah Plain and Tall?
Does water travel in a cycle?
How does water evaporate?
Who was Mohandas Gandhi? What did he believe?
Math: This week, students finished chapter two and took their assessment on Tuesday. Students have now begun chapter one and will review place value and learn about the 'value' of numbers. Students will order and compare numbers and have a quiz on Wednesday. They will also learn one more, one less, 10 more, 10 less, 100 more, and 100 less.
History: This week, we continued to learn about the country of India and about King Asoka. Students read the story "One Grain of Rice," and did very well recognizing the virtues from the story. Scholars were then able to write their own opinion about what it means to be wise and fair. We also learned about Mohandas Gandhi and the efforts he made to react to violence with peace. Next week, scholars will complete their India assessment and participate in a project celebrating Diwali. When we return, we will begin learning about Ancient China!
Science: This week, learned all about evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. We discussed how water travels in a cycle and that the Earth has been recycling its water for over 4 billion years!
Literature: For the remainder of the quarter, we will read and consider some fables and fairy tales. This week, we will read “The Tiger, the Brahman, and the Jackal”, “The Blind Men and the Elephant”, and “The Emperor’s New Clothes." We will begin Cricket in Time Square after we return from Fall Break!! Please have your scholar bring their Cricket in Time Square book in on or before 10/21.
Grammar: Next week, students will continue to learn about action and linking verbs and will begin to learn about helping verbs. Students will also review pronouns. Students will write a paragraph on Monday learning to use 'time order' words.
Have a wonderful weekend!