Thursday, February 15, 2024


Hello, parents and guardians,

Great Hearts Day: Great Hearts Day is just around the corner! On February 14th, we will be celebrating each other’s virtues. Please do not send store bought cards or candy. All store bought cards and candy will be sent home with your child that day. It would really dampen our spirits to have to disappoint a child in this way. We have other fun and thoughtful ways to celebrate the day. Rather than focusing on goodies and merchandise, each student will focus on their minds, bodies, and hearts. The students will write a friendly letter and deliver their Great- Hearted cards via a reenactment of the Pony Express and celebrate Arizona's birthday. Everything will be done in class and we do not need anything sent in on this day.

Please note: If a student has brought any medication to school, either over the counter or prescription, it must be taken to the nurse's office. Students are not allowed to self-administer. This includes cough drops. Thank you.

Lost and Found: The Lost and Found area is becoming quite full of misplaced items. This area will now be cleared out every two weeks. If your child is missing something, please remind them to check the Lost and Found. Every two weeks, the items that are there will be disposed of. Thank you.

Important Dates: 

Monday, Feb. 10th: "The Preamble" recitations begin

Friday, Feb. 14: Great Hearts Day 

Monday, Feb. 17: President's Day (No School/R&R Weekend) 

Conversation Prompts: 

In Little House in the Big Woods, why had Mary and Laura never seen a store or two houses standing together before?

Which would you use to measure a book, centimeters or meters? Why? 

Which is bigger: an inch or centimeter

What is the difference between 'weather' and 'whether'?

What does the nucleus of a cell do?

Who were the War Hawks? What did they want?


Math: Scholars will begin to learn about yards and learn to compare and order lengths of objects using comparison language. Students will continue to use addition and subtraction strategies and comparison bar models to solve for how much longer / shorter one item is than another.

Spalding: Scholars have started learning cursive practice strokes this week! Coming up, scholars will begin to learn the formation of small letters. For the next few weeks, Spalding homework will be a little different as students will have a reduced number of words and begin to do cursive as part of their homework.

History: On Monday students participated in a short review and then completed an assessment of the War of 1812. Next week, we will learn about Former First Lady, Dolley Madison, as well as study the meaning behind our National Anthem. 

Science: This week closed out our study of Cells to Systems. Scholars engaged in an exciting review game before completing a short quiz assessing what they learned! Next week, we will begin our study of the digestive system, learning about the esophagus, stomach, small intestines, liver, and pancreas!

Grammar: Scholars will learn to write a friendly letter and address an envelope and deliver their letters via a re-enactment of the Pony Express. Recitations will begin on Monday, February 10th, for "The Preamble."

Literature: Our reading of Little House in the Big Woods continues with emphasis on citing textual evidence. Students will learn about the dance at Grandpa's and discover what Laura saw on her first trip to town.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Warm Regards,

Your Second Grade Team