Hello, Parents and Guardians!
Important Dates:
Monday, Feb. 17: President's Day (No School/R&R Weekend)
Monday, Feb. 24: Measurement Math Chapter Test
Thursday, March 6: Field Day (more details will come)
Dress Code Reminders: Students may wear one bracelet, small earrings, and one simple watch. (No Smart watches). If the bracelet and or watch becomes a distraction to your scholar, they will be unable to continue wearing it to school.
Hair Accessories: Must be small and match the color of the uniforms. (maroon, navy, white)
Reading Homework: Beginning with the reading log your child received today, there is a comprehension worksheet on the back. Students will choose one night of their homework reading to complete the information on the back. This is an R & R Weekend and there is no school on Monday, February 17th, so students will fill out their reading log for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and choose one of those nights to complete the back of their reading log. Reading logs are due every Friday.
Conversation Prompts:
What is the purpose of the Digestive System? (To break down food to be used for energy!)
Where does digestion begin? (The mouth!)
Why is Dolley Madison considered to be a war hero?
Who helped Dolley Madison save a copy of the Declaration of Independence and the portrait of George Washington?
How many inches in a foot? Feet in a yard?
Which Great Hearts Day activity did you enjoy the most?
What were some of the exciting things Laura and Mary did at Grandpa's house?
Math: Scholars will continue to use their knowledge of metric and customary units of measurement to compare and order objects by length. Students will complete word problems and draw on their knowledge of bar models to solve. Scholars will also begin the chapter practice in preparation for the chapter test on Monday, February 24th.
Grammar: The students practiced writing a friendly letter for Great Hearts Day. We will now learn how to write and address a postcard. Perhaps, sharing an authentic postcard that you have received would interest your student this week.
History: Scholars will learn that Andrew Jackson led the American soldiers who defeated the British at the Battle of New Orleans. Next week, we will also begin our study on Westward Expansion.
Science: This week, scholars began their study on the Digestive System. We learned how digestion begins in the mouth and that the purpose of the Digestive System is to break down food to create energy. Next week, scholars will continue learning about the digestive system, focusing on the esophagus and the stomach.
Literature: Continuing in Little House in the Big Woods, scholars have learned about how Grandpa made sugar snow, maple syrup, and how the Ingalls family made their own food. We also were excited to go to Grandpa's house and dance! They will also learn about needing to be truthful and how harvesting is done.
Spalding: Scholars will continue to practice new spelling words and cursive letter formation by learning to connect letters through writing the phonograms. Please continue to dictate the spelling words for homework and have your child rewrite any missed words. Remember, markings need to be except on Thursday. For the cursive practice, please have your child write each phonogram in cursive three times Monday - Wednesday. On Thursdays, scholars will write the cursive only one time.
Your Second Grade Team