Thursday, March 7, 2024


Dear Second Grade Families,

The scholars had a wonderful Field Day this past Thursday. They participated in 8 activities and showed good sportsmanship and had great hearted attitudes. They enjoyed goldfish crackers, fruit snacks, and popsicles!

Literature next quarter will begin with Tall Tales, but your scholar will need to bring in their copy of Charlotte's Web by March 31st.


March 10-14: Spring Break (School resumes Monday, March 17) 

March 20: Multiplication Chapter Assessment

March 20: Human Body Assessment

March 21:Field Trip 


Conversation Starters: 

How did Daniel Hale Williams show courage? How did Florence Nightingale show citizenship? 

What is your favorite cursive letter to write? 

How many adverbs are in this sentence? The cheerful puppy barked happily outside. (“happily” and “outside”) 

Restate 4+4+4+4+4+4=? as a multiplication equation. What is the answer to both equations? 

What characters in Little House in the Big Woods demonstrated the virtue of honesty? Which did not?

How did the story end?

What was your favorite activity from the Digestive System unit? Why was that your favorite?

What happened to the Native Americans as settlers moved west?



Spalding: Students have learned all small and capital letters in cursive. All phonogram assessments going forward will be written in cursive and will include a 'letter formation' grade for the cursive part. Students will be back to having normal words lists and will begin to write words in cursive. Any words on the homework in cursive will also be written in cursive on the test.

Math: Students will begin their chapter review on multiplication when they return from spring break. They will take their chapter assessment on Thursday, March 20th. Please continue to check your scholar's homework for completion and accuracy.

History: Scholars will begin their unit on the Civil War and learn about the difference between the northern and southern states. We know that the Civil War can be a sensitive topic, but as Great Hearted scholars, we study the past. If scholars have questions, we are going to encourage them to ask you their questions.

Science: When we return from break, we will finish our study of the Human Body with a review and a quick assessment. Our next unit will be about Simple Machines! Scholars will learn about force, push, and pull.

Grammar: Scholars will write a summary and complete copy work on "The Real Princess" and begin to learn about the next part of speech, the preposition.

Literature: Scholars will learn what a 'Tall Tale' is and hear a 'Tall Tale" about John Henry, Johnny Appleseed, and Paul Bunyan. Please be sure your scholar has "Charlotte's Web" as they will begin that book March 31st for Literature.

We hope you and your scholar have a wonderful spring break and stay safe. We look forward to a wonderful 4th quarter as we approach the last part of the school year.

Warm Regards,

Your Second Grade Team