Hello, parents and guardians!
Parent survey: We would like to hear your feedback! If our grade level has the highest number of families that respond, then our wonderful 2nd graders will get an additional 30 minute recess and popsicles! Please help us reach this goal by using the QR code. Thank you! The deadline is March 4th.
Field Trip - Our next field trip to the Pioneer Living History Museum will be on Friday, March 21st. A link to sign up as a chaperone will be sent out February 28th and will go live at 7:00 pm. If you chaperoned the first field trip, we kindly ask that you allow other parents to sign up as a chaperone. Thank you! Chaperones must have Raptor clearance.
Important Dates
February 24: Math Measurement Chapter Test
March 6: Athletic Field Day: Spectators are not allowed on campus. Only parents who have signed up to help will be on campus on this day. All volunteers need to have Raptor clearance.
March 7: Half Day / Dismissal 12:30 pm
March 7: 3rd Quarter ends
March 10 – 14: Spring Break
March 21: Field Trip
Conversation Prompts
What do the words “quit”, “quite”, and “quiet” mean?
What items did the General store have in it?
What did Laura's candy heart say and how was it different than Mary's?
Is your scholar enjoying learning cursive?
What would you use to measure your bed? centimeters or meters?
Who wrote the Star-Spangled Banner? What is it about?
What does the esophagus do?
What is chyme?
Athletic Field Day - Athletic Field Day will be Thursday, March 6! Please make sure your child comes to school well rested and with plenty of water. Apply sunscreen before school. This will be a fun morning of
sportsmanship with academics in the afternoon.
The dress code for field day:
Athletic apparel
No pop culture, please
No tank tops
No pants that are too tight, and no shorts that are more than 3 inches above the knee
Hat and sunglasses are optional
Math: Students will show what they learned about measurement on their chapter assessment on Monday. Students will then begin learning about multiplication as repeated addition or skip counting.
History: We will continue our unit on the Westward Expansion next week and learn about the invention of the steamboat. We will also discover the Oregon Trail and learn about the California Gold Rush!
Science: This week, we learned about the esophagus, epiglottis, and stomach. Students were excited to witness how the stomach helps digest food in our hands-on stomach simulation! Next week, our study of the Digestive System will continue with a deep dive into the small intestine, liver, and pancreas.
Grammar: Students will use a writing map to begin an informative paragraph about the Oregon Trail and will begin learning about adverbs and their usage.
Literature: We will continue reading the final few chapters of Little House in the Big Woods and discover how much different life was back then and how much we have to be thankful for..
Spalding: Students will learn and practice a mix of spelling words, cursive phonograms, and cursive uppercase letters next week. Be prepared to listen carefully to the dictated sentence.
Enjoy your weekend!
The Second Grade Team